'VBA-Code to generate Values (to be inserted in a MS ACCESS-Report): Private Sub Detailbereich_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) On Error Resume Next CurrentDb.Execute "drop table Tabelle2" On Error GoTo 0 CurrentDb.Execute "create table Tabelle2 (FontName CHAR, FontBold INT, FontItalic INT, Code INT, Length double);" Me.ScaleMode = 6 'mm GenerateFont "Arial", False, False GenerateFont "Arial", True, False GenerateFont "Arial", False, True GenerateFont "Arial", True, True End Sub Private Sub GenerateFont(ByVal FontName As String, ByVal FontBold As Boolean, ByVal FontItalic As Boolean) Dim lCode As Long Dim dLength As Double Dim strChar10 As String Me.FontName = FontName Me.FontSize = 20 Me.FontBold = FontBold Me.FontItalic = FontItalic For lCode = 32 To 127 strChar10 = Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) & Chr(lCode) dLength = Me.TextWidth(strChar10 & strChar10) - Me.TextWidth(strChar10) CurrentDb.Execute "insert into Tabelle2 (FontName, FontBold, FontItalic, Code, Length) values('" & FontName & "'," & CInt(FontBold) & "," & CInt(FontItalic) & "," & lCode & "," & Replace(dLength, ",", ".") & ")" Next lCode End Sub